“I have found someone who is smart, has a great work ethic and is easy to work with.”
Sara Brumfield
Found 5425 jobseekers.
Social Media Manager | Customer Service Representative
part-time work (4 hours/day)
at $5.00/hour ($440.00/month)
Virtual Assistant/ Customer Service Support
full-time work (8 hours/day)
at $4.00/hour ($704.00/month)
Virtual Assistant /Customer Service / Product lister
Customer Service Expert | VA | Ecommerce Support
at $7.95/hour ($1,400.01/month)
Customer Service Representative and Travel Associate
at $3.00/hour ($528.00/month)
Customer Service Specialist
at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)
Data entry, customer service
Customer Service Representative, Virtual Assistant
at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)
Customer Service Representative
at $3.41/hour ($599.98/month)
Customer Service
Customer Service Guru || Virtual Assistant Pro
at $7.20/hour ($1,267.20/month)
Sales Executive / Customer Service / STR
at $12.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)
Bookkeeping/Customer Service Rep/SMM
Virtual AssisUpgrade to see actual infot | Customer Service | Lead Gen | QA
Customer Service Representative/ Content Moderator
at $4.00/hour ($352.00/month)
at $4.55/hour ($799.99/month)
Customer Service Representative / Virtual Assistant
Customer Service/ Virtual Assistant
at $7.00/hour ($1,232.00/month)
VA, Social media management, Customer Service, Personal Assistant
at $5.50/hour ($968.00/month)
at $2.30/hour ($405.05/month)
ECommerce Customer Service Specialist
Bookkeeper/VA/ Customer Service Representative
at $7.84/hour ($1,379.84/month)
Sales and Customer Service | Social Media Manager | FB Ads
Customer Service Rep and Healthcare Operations
at $6.98/hour ($1,228.48/month)
Virtual Assistant / Customer Service Associate
at $8.00/hour ($1,408.00/month)