

Culture, Values and Team

Our Story

We hired our first full-time Filipino worker in January 2006. The guy we hired didn't know anything (we joke about it today... he still works for us) yet he changed our lives. He freed up our time to work on our business rather than in our business, because he would do anything we asked him to do.

As we talked about it with colleagues, we had no idea so many people would want our help finding them Filipino workers. Eventually, it became overwhelming.

That's when we started

We really just wanted a better way to recruit Filipino workers for ourselves and our friends. We had no idea millions of people would end up using it. We had no idea how many thousands of jobs would be created because of

What We Do

We ease people's burdens by connecting employers who need help with workers who need jobs. We work hard to put trust into the outsourcing experience for everyone.

Why We Do It

Because it changes people's lives.

Because Filipino workers keep emailing us saying:
"Thank you for helping me get a job! I can now work from home and earn a good wage."

Because entrepreneurs keep emailing us saying:
"I hired a Filipino worker and he's fantastic. I can't imagine life without him!"

Meet our Team

Dreamers, Developers, Designers, we're a talented bunch


John Jonas


I'm John Jonas. I live in Utah and I founded My life is better because of my Filipino VAs.

I had a normal "job" for 8 months after college and my biggest goal at that time was to be able to quit that job. I managed to quit back in 2004 and worked from home for myself ever since then.

When I first hired someone from the Philippines in January of 2006, I knew I was onto something special. Since then I've learned that for most people, life is definitely better with Filipino workers on your team.

Yes, because of my Filipino workers I get to play a lot of golf, spend a lot of time with my wife and kids, and get out backpacking in the middle of the week. I work for about 17 hours a week because of the amazing work they do. However it's not just better for us; it's better for them too.

What's really great about hiring Filipino workers is how it changed their lives as well. They get to work from home, earn a decent income, enjoy a generally higher standard of living, and raise their children by themselves which is a luxury most Filipino parents don't get to do.


Dan Goggins


Taking the plunge after college to work from home instead of getting a normal "job" was a difficult decision for me but what a difference it has made in my life! I've been able to help raise our 3 children and see them grow and I was given the opportunity to have a connection with them.

The road to help build was a quite a journey but I'm glad I took that path. I spent a lot of time talking with our users and I saw first-hand how our site helps both employers and workers. Employers are taking the same road I took ten years ago-taking the same steps to get independence in life.

Workers, just like employers, are also traveling on that same road: working from home, being with their family, and being able to provide for their children. Its very fulfilling to know my efforts have changed so many lives, including my own.


Ezekiel Acero

OnlineJobs Admin Security

I am Kiel Acero and I am the OnlineJobs Security Team Leader. I started working for OnlineJobs back in 2011 and what I like most about this job is that I have a very approachable employer and flexible working hours. By working at OnlineJobs, I can spend quality time with my family and do the things that I have always wanted to do which was impossible back then when I was still employed in a "normal" company.

The best part about working for OnlineJobs is in earning the trust of your employer. Also, who doesn't want to have a home-based work? Through all these years of work, I have learned that in everything you do, you have to do it with all your heart and mind. You should love your work; don't let anyone or anything discourage you. Stay Focused.

My message to other Filipino workers is simple: just be honest, love your work, show loyalty, determination, enthusiasm, and open mindedness. Having all these characteristics, you'll become an asset to anyone that you work with.


Hazel C. Importante

OnlineJobs Recruiter

Truly in OnlineJobs... people are its greatest asset!

In my work experience in Human Resource Management and Administration of over 18 years, I have helped companies to meet their objectives by strategically realigning their current practices and culture. I worked for several online companies directed to hiring Filipino workers but I've never been a part of a company with genuine love for Filipinos until I joined Onlinejobs. There is an equal employment opportunity and genuine care and trust for Filipino workers can be felt. We bridged the gap between jobseekers and employers. We make sure that our online workers have skills and competencies through our rigid validation process and in return, the jobseekers are given the refuge and legitimacy of working online. Earnings are directly proportional to the work and services they are providing.

For me, it is not enough that I am earning. It is important that I continuously grow and be successful in my chosen field. Working with Onlinejobs gave me the opportunity to showcase my knowledge in HR, while, at the same time, be with my children.


Jessica Marie Madrazo

Marketing Manager

I'm Jessica and I am no stranger to work. I have been working since I was 18: I have been a news reporter, college instructor, grade school tutor, events coordinator, English tutor to Japanese, Trainer, ghost writer, fiction editor and more. Each profession had its own rewards, but they were never enough for me to stay in it for more than 2 years. That was until I started working for the man behind

I have learned so much since I started working for John 7 years ago. Since then, I have always been promoting staying in the Philippines and making a living through the internet instead. I was so happy when started. That meant I can share all the good experiences, knowledge, and life I got because of working online.


Joven Gravanza

Admin / SEO

I am Joven Gravanza. I have been working online for more than 8 years.

I was just an ordinary employee back then. I worked for 9 hours per day for 6 days a week. But this was not what I wanted to do in my life. My dream is to have a job that will give me a decent amount of income without sacrificing my time with my family. I thought that was just a dream, until I applied for an online job and my life was changed for the better.

Now that I have my own family, I appreciate what onlinejobs has done for me. I can take care of my kid while my wife is at the office. I am the one who brings him to school and fetches him after class. I help him do his assignments and we spend quality time together. This is the life that I wanted to have and onlinejobs helped me achieve it.


Julia Jasmine Sta Romana

Social Media Promotion

I work for because I believe that every Filipino should have several options when it comes to providing for their families. For generations, almost every Filipino family had to have at least one family member go abroad to work just so everyone else can have a better life. I don't want that to be the norm. Filipinos should go find work abroad because they WANT to, not because they HAVE to.


Junelo Cabantao

SEO / Webmaster

I have spent 10 years working as a Community development officer handling different multi-sectoral projects with Non-Government Organizations (NGO's) both for local and international funding agencies.

As an NGO worker, most of my time was spent in the community, out-of-town meetings, and seminars. I got my first online job experience with a BPO company here in Davao, as a non-voice customer support agent. At first, I was not particular about the salary because my main goal was to have a job and go home after office hours. I tried to earn on the side by taking odd jobs such as selling fruits and charcoal.

However, the income was not enough for the four of us. I then decided to work from home when I had my 2nd child. My first and only client up to now is John and I have worked with him for almost 4 years. I now have a house and my own vehicle. During the same period, my wife was also able to finish her college degree and I have two elementary age children in private school.

Some of my friends ask if my income as an online worker is enough for all our needs. Literally YES... I manage my income to fit all our monthly needs.


Nino Paolo Amarillento


I'm the PHP guy who is responsible for doing the back-end, front-end, and server stuff at OnlineJobs. I started working for OnlineJobs way back in 2008 as a front-end developer. I'm the person who made the first OnlineJobs template, logo, and front-end layout including the CSS, HTML, and JS.

There are plenty of things I like about my job: It pays well, I have awesome employers, and a beautiful and funny team. Best of all, I love my workplaces since I can work at home!

OnlineJobs has affected not just me but my entire family as well in many good ways. Even though I'm busy most of the time, I am still working at home which gives me plenty of time to bond with my family as opposed to working at an office-based job.

The best part of working for OnlineJobs is that I can somehow help Filipino VA's find a job. The best lesson that I've learned is that good things come when you do your best. It may not come right now or on time but it will eventually. You just have to be patient.


Vincent Garcia


I used to be a freelance techie guy. Specifically, a technician, electrician and consultant: always looking for the next project. When at workshops and construction sites, I used to be a tired engineer. Working online changed that.

I've always loved programming and finding a home-based programming job had been a revelation for me. Finally I can do the stuff I'm passionate about and be paid for it without leaving home-even without getting out of bed. You have so much time when you don't have to prepare and travel just to get to work.

Now, I have more time for the family. I can help the wife at home, be present at my kids' school events and witness all of their 'first steps'. It allowed me to be a hands-on parent. It's a rewarding experience.

I know this setup requires trust, from both sides, but trust is a positive thing. It inspires me to be more responsible, independent, and creative. I'm sure my employers feel the same.

To earn a comfortable income working at the most comfortable place I can ever be. OnlineJobs made me feel, in every sense of the word, at home.


Mark Kerwin Gamon

Web Designer / Front-End Developer

My name is Mark, and I am a Web Designer and Front-end Developer at OnlineJobs. When I graduated, I moved to the City to gain experience and hone my skills but that would mean that I will be away from my family. My story here in OnlineJobs began when I decided to quit my office job and tried out working from home to be with my family. After resigning, I went on and register at OnlineJobs hoping to find my very first full-time job online. And then one day, to my surprise, I received an email from John Jonas himself that the team needs a guy with my skillset. I went ahead and grabbed the opportunity. Since then, my life at work has never been this fun.

What I like most with working online, with the team is that my colleagues are very experienced. They are a talented team that brings out the best in me. Everyday has been a learning experience for me here and I'm loving it. has been helping a lot of Filipinos like me to earn money while working at home, and being a part of that just makes me feel so lucky and proud.


May Marielle Gravanza

Admin Assistant

I am Marielle and I am an Admin Assistant for Onlinejobs. I have a full-time day job. I am a Department Manager in a huge company. But because of the flexibility of time Onlinejobs can offer, I can manage to work for them on a part-time basis. This is the amazing thing about Onlinejobs. You become the boss of your own time.

Why did I choose Onlinejobs compared to other companies that offer the same services? Because Onlinejobs changes lives. This is not a one time deal. This is a stable company that offers stable jobs.


Mishel Cabantao

Administrative Assistant / Data Security

My primary task is to review and verify jobseeker profiles. I determine whether to approve or disapprove submitted IDs or documents. I also flag profiles of non-Filipino workers as well as workers who are aged 18 and below. I mark malicious activities on worker accounts, remove multiple accounts, investigate bad reviews, send notification emails to new and old functional accounts. I also unflag accounts when workers plead their cases and when found that their explanations are reasonable.


Avery Si

UI/UX Designer

I make the web and mobile experiences better and solve problems through design.


Benjamin A. Perez Jr

Social Media Manager / CSR

I'm responsible for the scheduling of content, preparing the Social Media calendar, and traffic in our all SM platforms (FB, Twitter, Linkedin, OJ FB group, Philippine Outsourcing, IG).

I also do chat support on all of our platforms in which I do CS tasks and I provide fast solutions in regard to workers’ OJ account/profile concerns (verification, request for deleting of accounts, and etc.).


Lawrence Gimenez

Senior Mobile Developer

I maintain the OnlineJobs mobile app on both iOS and Android. I fix issues, create features, and make sure the OnlineJobs app runs on the latest platform versions.


Dylan Lao

Front-End Web Developer / ClickFunnels Expert

I am able to make the www fun by creating a mobile first responsive and optimized website. Also building effective funnels from sales/order to membership area and produce better payment integrations.


Iris Mae Lao


Hergel Econg


Jocelyn Quisel


Arleen Econg


Jess Ambos


Harold Baldosano

Happy Baldosano

Peter Perez

Customer Support

Our main responsibility is to resolve both employer and worker concerns through chat support and email.

We provide reliable and accurate information with patience and a friendly demeanor. We answer any queries they have about employer subscriptions and worker profiles on the site as well as handle complaints with regards to nonpayment of salary, review complaints or any other concern in general.