“I have a team of 6 VA's that pretty much do everything for me”
Elishama Jiles
Found 5452 jobseekers.
Customer Service Expert / Aspiring Virtual assistant
part-time work (6 hours/day)
at $5.00/hour ($660.00/month)
Customer Service
full-time work (8 hours/day)
at $4.56/hour ($802.56/month)
Customer Service Representative
at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)
Email support, Customer Service and Virtual Assistant
at $7.00/hour ($1,232.00/month)
Lead Generation|Virtual Assistant|Customer Service
at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)
at $3.37/hour ($593.89/month)
Sales Representative/ Customer Service Representative
part-time work (4 hours/day)
at $6.60/hour ($580.80/month)
at $6.72/hour ($1,182.72/month)
Customer Service Pro(Retail,Telco,Hospitality,Healthcare)
Senior Customer Service Specialist in Rental Industry
Email-Support/Customer Service Representative/VA
at $4.00/hour ($704.00/month)
at $5.00/hour ($440.00/month)
Appointment setting/cold calling/customer service/virtual as
Social Media Specialist/Customer Service Specialist
at $5.68/hour ($1,000.00/month)
Customer Service Representative / Data Entry
at $5.84/hour ($1,027.84/month)
Customer Service Rep| Chat Support| Virtual Assistant
Customer Service Rep/ VA
at $5.40/hour ($950.40/month)
Customer Service Expert/Data Entry
Professional Virtual Assistant | Customer Service Expert |
Virtual Assistant | Social Media Manager | Customer Service
Customer Service Specialist
Supervisor/Team Leader | Customer Service | Email Support
Customer Service Representative | Order Entry
Researcher, graphic designer, customer service
Virtual AssisUpgrade to see actual infot, Customer Service, Social Media Manager
at $6.00/hour ($528.00/month)
Customer Service/Technical Support Representative
Virtual Assistant, SEO, Social bookmarking, Customer Service, Technical Asst
at $10.00/hour ($1,760.00/month)
Media Buyer | Social Media Manager | Customer Service