Full Time
$640/month to start. Raise after 60-90 days
Mar 21, 2025
We are looking to hire an EXCEPTIONAL VIRTUAL ASSISTANT for our home healthcare agency.
1. Can work from 10:00AM to 6:00PM (Eastern Standard Time) Monday to Friday.
2. Fluent in speaking English with an EXCELLENT AMERICAN ACCENT.
3. 1 year experience talking to American clients.
4. Data entry experience and pays close attention to detail
5. A fast learner.
6. Bubbly and energetic personality.
7. Must be able to complete multiple tasks without frustration or confusion.
Some of the tasks that the Virtual Assistant will be handling are as follows:
1. Answering our clients and staff members' questions and concerns on the phone and
2. Entering our clients and leads' information into our database.
3. Checking and verifying documents, making sure files are accurate.
4. General administrative tasks.
If you think you are the best person for the job, record yourself answering the following questions using Vocaroo. Just make 1 audio recording for all these questions.
1. What skills can you bring to this position?
2. Was there a time when you had to do multiple tasks at once? If so, what were those tasks and how did you complete them efficiently?
3. What will you do if you are provided with a task that you have no knowledge about? Can you please provide 1 experience from your previous job where you were tasked to do something new and what you did about it?
To apply, Send your RESUME and AUDIO RECORDING to