Part Time
Mar 7, 2025
We're producing "FamilyVerse," a South Park-style animated comedy series that follows a family traveling through alternate timelines to fix historical events. Our pilot episode features a mission to save Trump from assassination to prevent economic collapse. You can see an episode here:
Here is info about the show:
Looking for a comedy writer to create 5 episodes with:
Sharp, satirical dialogue in the vein of South Park
Detailed scene descriptions
Shot-by-shot breakdowns
social commentary with an edge
Must add Lots of cultural references
Sarcastic style commentary on specific issues
Each episode must be fully researched to include lots of references related to the topic and American
Males 16-45 who enjoy irreverent humor and social satire
$30 per episode
Target audience: the show is centered/ right leaning, so overall it should show republicans in a good light and liberal policies in a bad light. South Park audience.
Includes up to 5 rounds of revisions per episode, Additional revisions negotiable if needed
Payment upon completion of each episode
Experience writing satirical comedy
Understanding of animation script formatting
Ability to blend political commentary with humor
Strong character development skills
Quick turnaround time
Deep understanding of US culture and
Hungry writer looking to build their portfolio in adult animation. Must be comfortable with edgy humor and political satire.
We're ready to start with paid work immediately.
Send writing samples and brief pitch for potential episode for this idea: Ukraine war and trump