part time / full time
negotiable depends on your performance
Sep 11, 2010
We welcome intermediate / advanced applicant kindly send us your resume with picture to or add us in our skype id: ebuystorecomph
Please be honest in stating your level as beginner, intermediate or advanced and list all the experienced from your previous employer or job.
Programmer please see below:
PHP 5.x development
- Smarty template
- Worked with Prestashop (preferred)
- Sound programming skills
- knowledge in mySQL
Article writter qualifications pls see below:
1. Fluent in english grammar
2. Has interest in gadgets like mobile phones, digicams etc
Virtual assistant qualifications please see below:
1. Fluent in english grammar
2. Willing to be trained
3. Listings of item in ebay (familiar with turbo lister)
4.Has basic knowledge with html
SEO / Link building / Blog builder qualifications pls see below:
1. Fluent in english grammar
2. willing to be trained
3.Type of software use ( This is our new template development is on going) This is a PRESTASHOP
Applicants should be honest, trustworthy and professional because we want a long term relationship.
Salary is negotiable depends on your performance.
Our company website is (Our current website)