Mar 4, 2025
Need a person with a lot of experience of knowing how to call new prospects such as property managers ,local businesses to offer them carpet cleaning , floor cleaning service . You must know where to obtain calling lists as well as call past customers and leads because of your experience. Also make follow up call the following day of service and ask for referrals. You must tell me when you apply what phone system you will use to call and I want to move quickly. Will pay a lower hourly wage but a higher commission for each appointment made. You must have strong English abilities and great attitude that is friendly and sweet where people will want to talk to you. Please tell me why you think you would be a good candidate .You need to check in every day you work and must be willing to work at night since I live in EST of USA. I am willing to give you a chance to have a job that is constant and long term but this only comes with progress . I need someone smart with good ideas to achieve these goals and that is to have the schedule full 2 weeks ahead.
List your strategy which calling company to use, how you would obtain calling lists ,how you would market if you know about good marketing strategy such as instagram or
Please describe in details how you will approach these tasks and leave me your contact information so I can contact you directly please provide a short video of yourself in your application. Thank you