Handyman Connection

Social Media Video Editor

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Full Time






Jun 27, 2024


Transform raw video and photo content into engaging, high-quality videos tailored for social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) to boost online presence and convert viewers into clients.

Key Responsibilities:

Video Editing and Production:
Edit and produce videos using software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve.
Ensure videos are formatted correctly for each social media platform, adhering to their specific requirements (aspect ratios, lengths, etc.).

Creative Storytelling:
Develop compelling hooks to capture viewers' attention within the first few seconds.
Structure videos with a clear beginning, middle, and end to maintain engagement.
Use storytelling techniques to highlight key messages and transformations.

Transitions and Effects:
Implement smooth and creative transitions that enhance the flow of the video without being distracting.
Utilize motion-based transitions and effects to keep the audience engaged.

Color Grading and Correction:
Perform color grading to ensure a consistent and appealing visual style that aligns with the brand’s identity.
Adjust colors to set the appropriate mood and highlight key areas in before-and-after scenes.

Sound Editing and Design:
Clean up audio, remove background noise, and balance audio levels.
Incorporate background music, sound effects, and voiceovers to enhance the storytelling.

Graphic Design and Animation:
Create and incorporate motion graphics, text overlays, and animations to highlight important points and enhance visual appeal.
Design eye-catching thumbnails that drive clicks and engagement using tools like Adobe Photoshop or Canva.

Content Integration:
Include a mix of before-and-after photos/videos, client testimonials, behind-the-scenes footage, and talking head segments.
Ensure all elements of the video adhere to brand guidelines for style, tone, and quality.

Accessibility and Engagement:
Add text overlays and captions to make videos accessible to a wider audience, including those who watch without sound.
Use visual and textual CTAs (Calls to Action) to guide viewers on what to do next, such as visiting the website or scheduling a consultation.

Project Management:
Efficiently manage multiple video projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines without compromising quality.
Keep video assets organized and easily accessible for future projects.

Desired Skills and Qualifications:
Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve).
Understanding of social media platforms and their specific video requirements.
Strong storytelling skills with the ability to create engaging narratives.
Expertise in color grading, sound editing, motion graphics, and thumbnail design.
Attention to detail, excellent organizational skills, and strong communication abilities.

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