Sales & Customer Account Manager

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Full Time


May depend on experience, 350-400/mo USD, if you can bring in customers during the first couple months you can earn a raise based on that performance




Mar 2, 2025


I am looking for someone to help with a digital marketing and web design agency, to handle primarily all the tasks of bringing in new customers, selling our services to businesses, and managing customer accounts. You would be the go to between design and implementation staff and the customer, handling primarily all customer interactions. You would also be responsible for reaching out to new businesses and potential customers through phone calls, and online posts, and possibly emails, and these types of things to communicate our service offerings and educate people on how we can help their business.
My primary concerns are proficient English for speaking on the phone with people in the US as needed to discuss our services and willingness to make sales calls, as well as an ability to learn, and a desire to do well.
I believe you can learn to do all these tasks on the job and do not need extensive experience already, but obviously experience could be helpful. I want this to be a mutually beneficial working relationship, I want you to know that you are not alone and that you should reach out to me with questions. You should be someone who can figure things out on their own, but that won't always be possible, so bring your questions to me, and do not be worried about not having all the answers, none of us do.
This job requires communicating with US businesses so would require working night hours, which is not easy. I worked the night shift before for some years, personally for me I took the unusual approach of staying on the night shift even on my days off, it can be hard to switch back and forth on your health and to get proper sleep. Can you truly sleep during the day and work well at night? Do you have a computer and a stable decent internet connection? Do you like working in sales and are comfortable making calls to businesses to sell our services?
I am looking for someone interested in full-time long term employment that wants to add value to the company and help it grow, not just find a place to work. I want us both to help each other reach more of the lifestyle we want in life, so I am not sure if that is possible with having to work nights, but I do not know a way around that since you have to be able to speak with customers. However, all of this is up to the Lord, since we are not in control of things and don't know what will happen today or tomorrow. Also as this is also a new experience for me some of these things may shift and change over time.
The salary will start at the entry level with opportunity to earn raises planned for the future.
Thank you,Jason
Please understand this is meant in a friendly, helpful way, but if you died today and God asked you why he should let you into his kingdom, how would you answer? The Bible teaches us that God is righteous and will bring his wrath and judgment on all who are guilty of things you might think are too small for God to care about. Please realize that the Bible teaches that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, that he who looks with lust commits adultery in their heart, that whosoever hates their brother is a murderer, that if you have been drunk or had sex out of marriage or used God's name in vain, or blasphemously, that God will bring his wrath and judgement against all these things and all wickedness. A good judge won't let a murderer go without punishment, and God is so good he also punishes these acts and others. However, God is also merciful and loving and sent his Son to live the perfect life you failed to live and then took the punishment, the death sentence you yourself deserve for your sins, by dying on the cross.  He then rose from the dead showing his victory over death. (He was seen alive by over 500 eyewitnesses at once proving his resurrection.) If you repent and turn to God and trust in Jesus Christ to save you, then God will forgive you and give you eternal life. Please read the Bible daily and find a good Christian church. Let me know if you have any questions.

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