HubSpot Customer Transformation Agent

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Full Time


PHP 220 per hour




Jul 04, 2024



JOB TITLE: HubSpot Customer Transformation Agent (WFH/Remote)
OFFER RATE: PHP 220 per hour - Negotiable (Fulltime)

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday (Might start as PT, will transition to a FT role: 7am PT and 11am PT or between 3pm and 5pm ET)
Schedule will be further discussed once you reach the Client interview.

Start Date: TBD


-As a customer transformation agent, you’re responsible for working with customers and delivering customer results. You’re the front line of our organization, working directly with customers. Therefore, you directly influence the customer’s experience and transformation more than any other role.

-You’re not merely a passive “order taker” who blindly does what customers ask. You are their HubSpot guide with expert knowledge who leads customers to the promised results they seek. You get excited about the idea of helping teams have a greater impact. That means you know HubSpot well, make recommendations, challenge customers to think differently and help them understand how HubSpot works so that they can get all the benefits from it.


-Send a daily check-in message to confirm you’re live & give the team a feeling for your working rhythm.
-Receive new customer tasks & reply within 24 hours
-Manage customer ticket queues, ticket statuses, and delivery SLAs
-Test your work in HubSpot before delivering it to ensure quality
-Do work in HubSpot to deliver customer tasks & stay within your promised delivery estimates
-Communicate about tasks with customers and our team via HubSpot’s service Hub tools
-Communicate about all other topics with our team via Slack
-Lead video calls via Google meet with customers & send call recaps
-Track your working time allocation with Clockify
-Work with the team and HubSpot support to help you solve HubSpot problems


-Contribute to a weekly “win the week” team call to kick off the week and address things to fix
-When needed, jump in for other agents when you are the designated backup
-Submit a weekly time-card of your Clockify timecard
-Use your 1:1s with your manager to remove obstacles in your way, highlight things to fix, or highlight projects you want to work on.


-Participate in a monthly “all-hands” call
-Share out-of-office time with the team for the coming month


-Reply to all customer messages, including new tickets, within 12-24 hours
-Deliver 90% or more of active tasks within your delivery estimates of 24, 48, or 72 hours
-Have less than 20% downtime in a month (downtime = time when a backup has to jump in for you)
-Meet SLAs & reply times no less than 90% of the time.
-Have less than 10% of tasks re-opened after delivering them
-Ensure there are always 3 or more tasks in the customer’s queue


-Language skills
-Fluent English speaking
-Read and write fluent English

Environmental requirements:

-Reliable access to internet bandwidth that sustains video calling
-Own a desktop computer or laptop for work
-Have reliable access to electrical power

Availability requirements:

-Availability to get on calls with customers & teaUpgrade to see actual infombers Monday through Friday between 7am PT and 11am PT or between 3pm and 5pm ET
-Availability to work on HubSpot deliverables Monday through Friday meeting delivery due dates.

Technical skills:

-Proficiency in the HubSpot platform, especially in working with HubSpot workflows and reporting.
-Comfortable working with G Suite tools - Gmail, Gdrive, docs & sheets.
-Ability to record screen-share videos to deliver updates to customers & teaUpgrade to see actual infombers

Personal skills:

-Manage your workload and schedule so that you don’t become overextended
-Ability to ask for help before emergencies occur.
-Ability to move fast
-Ability to be on camera for customer & team calls
-Ability to be on camera for Loom screenshare videos that you send to customers
-Confidence to bring up things that need to be fixed
-Ability to clearly communicate problems and provide solutions


Report to: CEO
How do you report?
Slack in our 1:1 channel at the end of the week
Weekly 1:1 call with CEO via Google Meet
When do you report?
EOW report: Friday at noon MST time (or on the last day of the week at noon MST if you’re off on Friday)
1:1 with the CEO: Needs an agenda on the invite before the call. If we get on the call and there’s no agenda, we don’t need a call.

What should you report?
Weekly Friday report (5-10 min Loom)
Hours planned this week:
Hours worked this week:
What one thing might be considered a win for you this week?
What challenges did you experience this week?
Weekly or Bi-weekly 1:1 meeting (30mins)
CUSTOMERS: customer updates; developments and interactions
ASKS: Any questions / requests
PROJECTS / TASKS: Anything you are currently working on that you need partnership in accomplishing
WORKLOAD: “light”, “just right”, “heavy” (provide details!)
Quarterly review meeting
Performance this Quarter
Do what you say
Continuous Improvement
Seek to help
Move fast
Speak your mind
Personal goals
Personal plan

How is each reporting cadence different?
Friday reports weekly.
1:1s weekly or bi-weekly
QBR, quarterly

TO APPLY, kindly send an email to Upgrade to see actual info with this FORMAT:
1. Subject: HubSpot Customer Transformation Agent Applicant
2. Cover letter expressing your Intent to apply
3. Attach your Updated Resume

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