SuccessAmp LLC

Google Ads / Analytics Analyst

Please login or register as jobseeker to apply for this job.


Full Time


PHP 40,000-80,000




Jun 26, 2024


Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this.

You want a great job where you feel appreciated and receive fair compensation.

I want someone sharp and motivated to handle marketing projects with minimal supervision.

We'll be a great fit if you feel comfortable asking me questions. I'll try my best to be clear on what needs to be done, but it will be your responsibility to let me know if and when you need help or clarification.

We'll also be a great fit if you love to learn. I'm currently looking for someone with strong English skills, but I'd like to help you grow your skillset into something you're passionate about.

Here are the requirements. If you have ALL of this, then apply:

Strong English language skills. You should be comfortable working with an English-speaking team on English-language reports and projects. It's also helpful to have good spoken English as well. I typically like to see a C1/C2 test passed, but I don't require it.

Experience using Google Analytics 4 to look for opportunities and problems. It is best if you feel comfortable setting up and configuring GA4 on a website, but at a minimum, you should be comfortable finding information and building reports. Experience using Google Tag Manager to add and track GA4 events is a plus.

Experience with Google Ads. You should be experienced at optimizing Google / YouTube Ads, including creating new ads and, preferably, writing some ad copy. Experience with Google Ads Editor is preferred, so if you have it, point it out to us.

Experience with optimizing and creating Facebook & Instagram Ads.

Graphic/video design skills are unnecessary, but you will be asked to work closely with our designer to produce image ads. This will involve researching competitor ads and other ad ideas to inspire our branded designs.

You may need to handle the occasional research or data entry task and should be comfortable using GSuite (Gmail, GDocs, GSheets).

Finally, reporting is a large part of this role, so experience with Google Looker Studio or a strong desire to learn is preferred.

Our shift is Monday through Friday, 1 PM to 9 PM Philippines Standard Time. We can be flexible after training is complete, but the hours should mostly overlap these.

Most importantly, you need to be FEARLESS! I want you to ask for help if you need it. I want you to tell me if I'm not clear. I want you to challenge me if you think we could do something better. I want you to get excited about our work and own it!

We use a LOT of tools, so I'm going to include some of them here. These are nice to have but are NOT REQUIRED or expected. If you have used any of these things, please let me know what you did (and if you enjoyed it) when applying:

PPC: Keyword research (if so, briefly explain your process)
PPC: Google / YouTube Ads
PPC: Facebook / Instagram Ads
PPC: LinkedIn / Bing Ads
PPC: X / Twitter Ads
PPC: Pinterest Ads
PPC: Reddit Ads
Analytics: Google Analytics 4
Analytics: Google Tag Manager
Analytics: Google Looker Studio
Analytics: Search Console
Analytics: TruConvesion (or other heatmap and session recording tools like HotJar)
Analytics: HockeyStack
Analytics: Funnelytics
CRO: Split testing (WP AB Split Test, Google Optimize, VWO, Convert, etc.)
Project Management: ClickUp
Social: Brand social media management (interacting and posting)
Social: Social media strategy (in charge of growing an audience)
Marketing: Funnel building
Marketing: Automation (for example, hooking an email form into a mail sequence)
Marketing: Lead prospecting and qualification

: Using mailing list software like MailPoet or MailChimp

: Basic customer support
Writing: Grammarly
WordPress: Gutenberg
WordPress: Bricks Builder
WordPress: Oxygen Builder
WordPress: Kadence Theme / Blocks
WordPress: WooCommerce
WordPress: CartFlows
PHP: Basic PHP script editing
JS: Any javascript development experience
SEO: Keyword research (if so, briefly explain your process)
SEO: On-page optimization (if so, briefly describe your process)
SEO: Link building (if so, briefly describe your process)
SEO: Outreach (if so, briefly describe your process)
SEO: Schema (if so, briefly describe your process)
Graphic Design: General design (GIMP, Canva, Stencil, etc.)
Video: General video editing
Video: Uploading to Vimeo or YouTube
Video: Optimizing content (thumbnails, titles, etc.)

To apply:

Reply to this post.

Tell me what about this post interests you.

Tell me about your experience with anything above, but most importantly...

Tell me what makes you happy right now. That can be a hobby you're into, a favorite video game, music, sports, a pet, your family, or whatever makes you smile!

I want to get to know you, and a small message from the REAL you will go a lot further with me than the same giant post you send to everyone else.

I try to help my clients be genuine and express themselves, and I want to work with someone who appreciates and understands that.

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to meeting you!

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