Jan 19, 2017
Please ensure you met the requirements listed below before you apply for this job:
1) You have previous experience creating Facebook applications
2) You have previous experience submitting extra permissions for Facebook review
3) You are currently using (or have experience with) GIT.
We need you to code and deliver a Facebook app that would allow users to find which of their friends:
- are born within the same day/month /year (via user_birthday)
- are born within the same town (via user_hometown)
- like the same things (via user_likes)
- finished the same school (via user_education_history)
All these extra permissions will need to be approved by Facebook before you deliver the app.
Flow: the user clicks the Facebook login button to sign up on a website, they allow the app, they are redirected to the next page where they see the results (which of their friends share common things).
Looking forward to connecting and start the job, thanks.