Part Time
Nov 15, 2024
We are
Become a certified AirAssistant for FREE, then get guaranteed part-time or full-time job placement with one of our vetted clients within 30 days of certification - with opportunity for raises and full time employment. Before you read any farther - this role is not for the lazy person, freeloader, inexperienced or incompetent. You’ll probably get fired as soon as you start, so save yourself the embarrassment. If you are a detail-oriented, OVERCOMMUNICATING go-getter who loves the idea of helping change lives through entrepreneurship, then read on…
Details below:
1+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing, Sales Funnels, Shopify, or Digital Marketing: We're looking for a professional woman who is passionate about helping changemakers simplify their lives by setting up systems that will allow them to operate their businesses with more ease and less overwhelm. You have experience with sales funnel and CRM software
1+ years of experience advertising on platforms like Instagram,
1+ years of experience as a Virtual Assistant or Executive Assistant with track record of company success.: You've done it all from managing schedules to
Creating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures): You’ll ensure each business function has detailed documentation for repeatable and scalable growth if it isn't already in place. If you see gaps, you take the initiative to fill them and produce results without anyone knowing there was an issue (yea, we did say all that and a bag of chips :-)
Experience working at a digital/online product/platform: You’re familiar with online courses, digital products & platforms and popular tools in the business space ranging from landing page builders and
“You down with SOP? Yeah you know me!”—You’re an advocate for SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to make our systems repeatable & scalable.
Your love language is processes & predictable, meteoric growth. We never question company progress towards the quarterly and yearly goals because you keep real-time metrics for all projects.
You’re aware of new software and can look at current systems and identify how to automate tasks a company has been doing manually for months.
You’re addicted to digital processes & automation in the world of social media because you love building connections in the digital space and you’ve seen how powerful it can be in business growth
You’re driven by metrics & tracking. You know that you can’t improve something unless you measure it, so you develop ways to measure performance so your company is always predictably improving.
Timeliness and deadlines are your jam. When we have a team call at 10:00am, you show up at 9:55am. When the deadline is Tuesday at 5:30pm, you have it done Monday before you clock out.
You overcommunicate clearly and confidently. If you agree/disagree with something, you communicate that without hesitation or overthinking. You’re no stranger to asking why we do things a certain way to ensure we’re intentional with our resources. You send regular updates without having to be asked, and always make sure to treat the company you work for as if it was your own brainchild.
You’re a leader and team player. Ego? What ego? If something needs to be done, you dive in to make sure all critical tasks are accounted and cared for.
*because we care about detail-oriented applicants, mention the secret word “PINEAPPLE” in your application so we know you read this in its entirety*
If you’re nodding your head “Yes” to the above, proceed below to apply.
We're committed to setting you up for success as a certified Air Assistant that is equipped to take on any role your employer assigns you to. Upon acceptance as a candidate, you get exclusive access to trainings that will certify your skills in:
Task & Calendar Management
Launch/Sales Strategy Planning
Sales Funnel Tech Setup (For E-Commerce or Service Based Businesses)
Social Media Management
Digital Media Marketing (Including
Lead Generation
After one week of training and assessment, you're officially a certified Air Assistant, which means we work to guarantee a part-time remote job with a woman-owned business dedicated to long term success of her company's team and clients/customers. Before signing an employee agreement under our umbrella, you get to meet them in a virtual Executive Assistant Mixer to make sure there is a connection between brand and AA.
Apply and we'll be in touch soon to invite you to next steps in the application/candidate process! Again - don't apply unless you are ready to hit the ground running with your current digital marketing/automation experience
Part time work hours (minimum 25 hours per week required)
Work from anywhere in the world (as long as your internet signal is strong and computer is fast)
Starting Salary at $350 USD a month ($4200 USD annual)
Free certification program to enhance your professional skills in your career
Guaranteed job placement after certification. Typical time between getting certified and getting placed = 30 days. If it takes longer, your profile will remain in our database and we reach out to all available AA's every week to potentially get matched with a Founder. Be ready!