Mar 12, 2024
Seeking a cold
Would like a price for the gig- NOT an hourly, but a price for set up and launch and growth, and then a maintenance cost per month. Bonus for # of appointments after 10 each month. My advice is to offer a very competitive price to begin with ($5/hour, 10 hours a week, $200/month maybe?) and THEN ask for a large bonus based on each meeting/phone call scheduled ($20/each)? If you get 20 in a month that is $400 on top of the original $200, so $600?
Please submit a proposal that identifies your plan, step by step. Tell me what you're able to do, and how long each step should take. Tell me how much you need for the first month, since it will be more time consuming, and then after say the first 2 months a lower ongoing maintenance fee- but the bonus money stays in place.