Dispositions Support Agent

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Part Time


20 hours/week at $7/hour + $100 per Deal secured




Aug 3, 2023


Sero Developments LLC is looking for a Part-Time Rockstar Real Estate Virtual Assistant for its Dispositions Team. This position will have the opportunity to advance into a Full-Time position over time. Mission: The mission of the Dispositions Support Agent is to help increase Sero Development’s buyer base as well as improve its quality. The dispositions process of Sero Developments will be supported by this role by adding new contacts, selling deals and updating buy-criteria. Your job will consist of: - mass texting our leads using the Simple Texting software - mass emailing our leads using MailChimp - following up on those leads via text and cold calling - creating a list of buyers, and establishing relationships with those buyers - using Privy and Tax Records to find buyers - negotiating deals on behalf of Sero Developments - comping leads using Privy to discern after repair value What we are looking for: - A hard-working VA that is willing to go the extra mile to make us profitable and wants to earn bonuses - A reliable VA that is willing to learn and improve his/her skillset - A VA that has experience cold calling, sms blasting, and negotiating deals - Someone who can speak fluent English - Someone with experience talking with c-suite business owners DO NOT APPLY IF: - You want to send us a pre-written message IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, TELL US: - What are your career goals? - What are you really good at professionally? - What are you not good at or not interested in doing professionally? - Who was your last boss, and how will they rate your performance on a 1-10 scale when we talk to them?

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