Part Time
Jan 13, 2025
Your skills and time are needed by my company to help me reach potential clients at an affordable rate.
Please let me know if you are available to work 4-8-12 hour shifts from Monday - Friday
When hospices do not have nurses available to take care of their dying patient's they call companies like mine to ask us to send nurses 24 hours a day for a few days while their patient's are dying. We then send nurses for 8 hour shifts to the patient's and the nurses alternate so that we can provide the hospice patients with 24 hours of continuous care for the few days at the end of a patient's life.
The right candidate will be able to cold call Hospices in Southern California (United States) from a list of hospices I have, and attempt to get them to sign a contract so that my company can provide them with nursing services.
Please let Ella know if you are available to work and interested in the opportunity via Whatsapp: Ella
Jared Larner, LVN; CEO & Founder