Graphic Designer to create client proposals and presentations

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$150AUD package rate




Dec 7, 2022


Hello Graphic designers,

We are a Brisbane based video production company and I'm looking for a graphic designer who can freelance adhoc for our team.

The first project will be to create a professional looking proposal slide deck for our documented video strategies to present to our clients.

The process is...

We do the workshop
We complete the google doc with the strategy information
We send it to the graphic designer to make it look 'high-end' and professional and on brand
Then it goes to the client

The strategy document will be created as a template and then it will be minimal changes to update it for future clients (will just require content to be changed and the client's branding and imagery etc)

There may be work also in creating assets for our business for social media etc but for now I just want to find a graphic designer to help with the strategy documents who is reliable, a good communicator, highly skilled and capable of delivering what we need and on budget.

The package rate to complete the initial strategy document will be:

$150AUD (including 2 revisions from us if necessary)
and will require delivery within 3-5 days of receiving the source materials.
We will require a copy of the project to keep on file, but if all goes well and we are happy with your work then you will be contracted to do the future strategy updates.

If this is something that you offer, you are extremely reliable, an excellent communicator and have the skills to complete this then please send me a copy of your portfolio, please put the number of Instagram followers that we have in the subject line and feel free to check out our business on Upgrade to see actual info and I look forward to hearing from you,


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