Amazon Wholesale Sourcing Agent - Product Research - Using SmartScout Tool to Find New Suppliers

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Full Time






Jan 5, 2022


We are looking to expand our wholesale sourcing team!

We operate an Amazon wholesale business and we need a virtual assistant who can follow our system for finding and contacting new wholesale suppliers.

Primary job activities will include 2 areas:
1) Wholesale lead generation-- You will find and qualify new wholesale leads using a variety of tools including Keepa and SmartScout. You will enter qualified leads into our CRM and contact these leads to open wholesale accounts.
2) Wholesale catalog review-- You will use our system to review a supplier catalog and identify which products to purchase.

Strong applicants will be:
- Self-motivated and eager to learn
- Willing to ask questions
- Detail oriented
- Excellent in written and verbal English proficiency
- Looking for full-time, long-term employment with career advancement opportunities

Work hours are flexible, but must include at least 3 hours in EST workday (overlap at least 9am - noon EST and/or 2 - 5 pm EST Monday through Friday). Must attend virtual team meetings at least 2x per week during EST business hours. You will engage in frequent communication by email/messaging with sourcing team leader throughout each week.

Familiarity with using CRMs, Excel/Google Sheets, Keepa, Revseller, or SmartScout preferred but not required.

Please answer the following questions in your application:
- Please include a link to your profile
- What type of computer do you own and what is your Internet access?
- What experience do you have working in ecommerce?
- Do you currently work for other Amazon sellers? If yes, please explain.
- Do you currently have any other job(s)? If yes, where are you working and how many hours?
- Please include the phrase "AMZ VA" at the start of your email subject line
- Which, if any, of the above software tools do you have experience with?
- When are you available to start?

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