Indesign Editing & Photo Editing

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Full Time






Feb 5, 2021


We are looking for a full time website photo editor / Indesign editor to join our team. Your primary job will be to take photos uploaded by our customers and resize them for use on their website. We primarily use Crello or Photoshop for image resizing. Once images are resized you will upload them to Duda website builder and place on web pages. Most of the time these will be new websites or website rebuilds but may also be updating images at our customers request. Each month you will need to be able to update a indesign file that we purchase from a 3rd party. That file will need a few customizations each month including changing colors, logo and some text changes as Upgrade to see actual info addition to making the changes to the indesign file we will take portions of that and reuse them for blog posts / facebook posts. You will need to prepare those posts each month and images as well. Other tasks may include editing photos for use on our customers facebook pages and ads as well as other marketing related tasks as needed. To be considered for this job you need to have experience using Indesign and editing images using either Photoshop or Crello. If you have experience using Duda that is plus but not required to be considered for employment. We do require that you work Monday through Friday 7am to 3pm Central Standard Time and be available during that time for meetings and chat. We will have a morning team meeting each day that all employees are required to attend on zoom. We ask that you have a dedicated work space to limit distractions while working. To apply for this position send an email to Upgrade to see actual info with the title "Indesign Photo Editor" as the subject Upgrade to see actual info the email you need to describe your experience using Indesign as well as your photo editing experience. Also let us know if you have used Duda before or not and if you have what experience you have using it. Also include a little bit about you and what you do outside of work, so we can start to get to know you. Lastly include what your expected pay is. This job is full time and long term we service about 100 websites each month, so we expect you to work exclusively for us during business hours listed above.

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