Full time
USD $275.00 Per calendar month
Oct 8, 2022
The potential Virtual Assistant must be excellent in both the verbal and written English. He/she must have a solid grasp of all Internet Marketing skills. In the short term, I am looking for someone who is keen to develop their current skills; be confident, enthusiastic, honest, and show creativity, and a willingness to succeed. In the long term, I want to see ambition, drive, and to become an expert in all aspects of Internet Marketing and be a leader in helping to bring my new, exciting, and flourishing business, to the next, but higher levels. There will be great opportunities for the right person, to help me build the team. Are you that person??
I have been quietly developing the business, creating and purchasing new products. Hundreds and hundreds, all ready for the name of the game, and that is IMPLEMENTATION. The range of products is phenomenal.
If you have the ability to solve problems quickly, be attentive to detail, and have the desire to learn new skills, rapidly, such as MS Power Point, MS Excel
MS Word, Typing at Speed, Working at a fast pace:
Webpage Design, mini sites, Authority sites, Cloning, Curation, Word Press, Blogging, Autoresponders, SEO
Branding, Copywriting, Email Marketing, Video Marketing.
This is just a fraction of the skills you may have to learn, come on board with me with the desire to help build a growing business, show me that you have got what it takes and become the leader that I require.
Brian Elliott