$2.5 per hour
Mar 21, 2025
We’re looking for a confident outbound caller with excellent communication skills. Your voice should be clear, well-paced, and professional.
How to Apply:
Record yourself reading the following script:
Hi [Name], my name is [Your Name], and I am calling from [Company Name]. We are currently helping homeowners in your neighborhood qualify for a rebate of up to $10,000 through a program approved by the state. This program is designed to make energy-efficient and structural upgrades more affordable for homeowners.
Our service includes a free consultation meeting with a specialist who will assess your eligibility and guide you through the process, just like we have done for others in your neighborhood.
Program Highlights:
- Roofing
- Windows and Doors
- Earthquake Retrofitting / Foundation Repairs
- Heating and Cooling Systems (HVAC)
- Artificial Turf, Pavers, and Concrete Work
- Attic and Wall Insulation
- Solar Panels
- Exterior Cool Wall Paint
- And many more upgrades"
This is a great opportunity to improve your home and save thousands. Let us schedule your free consultation. How does [Day/Time] work for you?
Send your recording link here
(Make sure your mic is clear and there are no background noises. Applications without a recording will not be considered.)
Show us you’ve got the voice for the job. Apply today!