Full Time
Mar 18, 2025
Start Time: 7:00 AM PST (No time flexibility guaranteed)
Schedule Options:
Monday to Friday: 10 - 10.5 hours per day (1 Scribe)
Monday to Thursday or Tuesday to Friday: 12 - 12.5 hours per day (4 Scribes)
Qualifications and Skills:
-Must be a licensed medical practitioner in your respective country
-Knowledgeable in English medical terminology
-Strong attention to detail
-Strong time management skills
-Proactive and able to communicate in a timely manner
-Capable of working independently with minimal supervision
-Tech-savvy, including the ability to convert Word documents to PDF
-Easily adapts to unexpected circumstances
-Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment
-Skilled in multi-tasking to handle various responsibilities efficiently
Responsibilities and Requirements:
-Ability to read and understand patient diagnoses
-Excellent note-writing skills
-Experience in filling out forms and creating medical charts
-Must have no other commitments to ensure focus and availability
-Must have at least one iOS device for system access
If you meet the above qualifications and are looking to contribute your medical expertise in a dynamic environment, we encourage you to apply.
How to Apply:
Please submit your updated resume and medical license, along with a brief cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and your preferred schedule option.