Part Time
Mar 11, 2025
Hello there,
I'm currently running 3 online webshops as a dropshipper on the platform Shopify. I sell watches, chains and rings on those 3 stores, but the main focus is watches. Those are priced between $59 - $149.
I'm willing to pay 25% of the revenue from the chargebacks that you have won for me. So the more chargebacks you win, the more money you can make :)
I receive chargebacks from my customers every week, so that's why i'm currently looking for someone who has experience in winning chargebacks for brands or dropshipping stores.
I work on Slack as the communication platform. When a chargeback has come, the customer support employee will let you know on Slack. So this is actually not a fulltime or parttime job, because you'll only work when a chargebacks has come.
If your chargebacks winrate is high and willing to work with me, feel free to leave me a message.
Greetings from,