Part Time
(Part time, $5-8 CAD/hr + Bonuses, 20 hrs/week)
Feb 11, 2025
I'm a very busy real estate agent in Winnipeg, MB, Canada and I am looking to aggressively grow my social media presence and outsource some of the associated tasks.
We will be on:
Our focus is FB and IG, but we have accounts on all socials. There will be other work available as well.
We use Notion, Opus Clip, Canva, and Later - all as a team with shared access.
Experience with the 3 above programs is useful, but not necessary if you can learn quickly. Same with the social media platforms. It's important to me that you can grow and learn and adapt.
Strong English skills are EXTREMELY important. Graphics & video editing is an asset as well.
Do not apply if you don't know when to pluralize a word and when not to. Do not apply if you don't know when to use apostrophes and when not to.
You would work as part of a team. I have a social media manager and an assistant here that take on some tasks such as planning, strategy, hashtag research, etc - what I primarily need from you is scheduling & organization of the content, some repurposing, and other tasks.
It would be a bonus if you could do engaging graphics, such as youtube thumbnails. There may be opportunities for other work as well.
The ideal candidate will be able to organize many categories of content and schedule them across platforms in ways where everything is used, but not at the same time on, while constantly managing, organizing, and scheduling new incoming content and incorporating it into the existing long and short term schedules.
But most importantly - learn, adapt, grow!
Hours are +/-20/week to start.
To Apply for the Job
1. Change the subject line to “I'm a very organized person [insert the street name my office is on here]”
2. (Label this answer 1.) At the top of your message write 2-3 sentences on why you would like this position, and why you are a good fit. Do not write more than that or else your application will be deleted.
3. (Label this answer 2.) Below that tell me what experience you have that may be suitable for this position, and what jobs you’ve worked in the past. This should be no more than 5 sentences.
4. (Label this answer 3.) Are you ok with using HubStaff for monitoring & tracking? Can you have at least SOME of your work day within 9am-5pm Winnipeg time?
5. (Label this answer 4.) Answer number 2 at the end (farm question).
6. Send me a horizontal video explaining what you thought of this exercise and put it at the top of the
Follow the above exactly. Applicants who do not will not be considered.
*****As a reminder, please send an