Part Time
$200 - $300/Month
Feb 7, 2025
Job Title: Amazon General Store & Account Health Manager for Amazon Dropshipping Business
Looking for a highly-qualified Amazon dropshipping expert to take care of the daily operations as it pertains to the Amazon dropshipping business and ensure the account health is always in good standing. Candidate must meet ALL skills outlined in this job post and have experience in the following tasks:
- Account health metrics (Order-defect rate, late-shipment rate, cancellation rate, valid tracking rate)
- Order processing
- Confirming shipments
- Uploading tracking ID's
- Returns & refunds
- Customer service
- Plan of Actions (if needed)
- A to Z claims (if needed)
- OA Genius tracking ID software
Candidate must be motivated and looking to be a part of a growing Amazon empire with potential opportunities for competitive pay raise and bonuses. Only applicants who meet all criteria to this job posting will be considered and interviewed. If selected, candidate will be paid for 2-week intensive training