Feb 1, 2025
We want someone to help us create a Web App that enables senior communities to join in and play a game of trivia while viewing my OBS video output. This would be a link that they click on, and enter in their name and answer another question or two and then they automatically see my OBS stream can see the questions that I present. They can click on the multiple-choice answers.
There would be an automated scoreboard where they can see how well they are doing relative to everyone else. I'd like to be able to split them into teams based on the answers they gave after filling out the first page (name + do you like closer to the West Coast or East Coast).
I want to be able to capture the video and audio from anyone individual participant and have it connect with my OBS so everyone else can see both of us speaking in the same screen.
We are open to the different types of software's used to develop this.
Not necessarily right away, but in the future, we would like the ability to enable AI to hear participants speak their answer and register that instead of them having to click on the answer. Also, at some point, we would like the opportunity to incorporate augmented reality experiences into the trivia game.
If you apply to this job, please be concise in explaining your experience in developing something like this.