100 USD
Nov 22, 2024
This is a one time job post so we want to hire someone for 1or 2 days to perform this task.
So I want to hire a talented video editor to UPGRADE my video style to attract more attention , increase reach! It may turn into a full time job if we like your style...
We turn real estate images to videos and also add some graphics and b-rolls.
Here are existing samples i want to upgrade :
So i want someone to make to make this short form video content very attractive, eye catching so people keep watching it until the end.
i may also get Voiceover from Elevenlabs involved in the process.
So the goal of this is to create an attractive , better content template which we can use to replicate with other properties.
???? The same template will be used in 3 different languages so it should be '' very easy '' to use and duplicate.
So we will need to Adobe Premiere File with the delivery of the job.
Apply with your references to be considered!
Price is a placeholder so we should talk about it once we like your references.