Full Time
Apr 15, 2024
Must be able to be logged on during 9am-5pm EST, or 10am-6pm EST, Monday - Friday. (No exceptions - do not apply if you can not work full time between those hours)
You will be making small edits, in an already existing Figma file. We are looking for a Figma expert who can make changes in the Figma file on the fly, we need to be able to get on a call for an hour or so and make changes while on the call. Must be fully competent in Figma.
If you are interested in this position please
In the body of the
1) Can you work FULL-TIME between 9am-5pm or 10am-6pm EST? Yes or No.
2) Years of Experience using Figma?
3) Link to portfolio (if you have one)
4) What is your English level?
5) Are you comfortable getting on Video calls and making changes to the Figma file?
6) Do you prefer working in a team or alone?
7) What else should I know about you?
If the
- Daniel