
Biologist-Academic Writer-Technical Writer

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)

Post-graduate degree (Masters, Doctorate, etc.)

Last Active

June 29th, 2024 (yesterday)

Member Since

June 12th, 2024

Profile Description

I'm Upgrade to see actual info P. Upgrade to see actual info-Upgrade to see actual info, Jr., a 24-year-old college graduate with a degree in Animal Biology, where I graduated Magna Cum Laude. Currently, I thrive in the dynamic environment of the Institute for Peace and Development, where my role involves orchestrating and facilitating seminars and activities for both local and international participants.
In our office, I collaborate closely with GIZ, a prestigious German company, fostering relationships and communication with a diverse array of individuals, particularly with our German counterparts. This exposure has not only enriched my professional journey but also honed my ability to connect with people from various backgrounds.
Beyond my passion for biology, I am well-versed in the realm of technology. Having navigated through multiple software applications related to biology and statistics. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Word further underscores my commitment to precision and efficiency.
With this diverse skill set, I aspire to contribute my knowledge and enthusiasm in your company. I look forward to bringing my organizational prowess, cross-cultural communication skills, and technical acumen to help create a seamless and enriching experience for our clients.

Top Skills

Marketing » Content Creation » Technical Writing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I was a journalist since I was in Junior High School. I honed my skills since then and never stopped writing. I participated in multiple journalism competitions and I consistently ranked top 5 or higher.

Office and Administration » Communication » Public Speaking

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I am fluent in speaking English. I have multiple speaking engagements especially in the academic settings where I present research papers, as well as speak about Peace-related topics.

Marketing » Content Creation » Academic Writing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I am well-versed with a wide array of academic writing. I can write research papers (Biology-related), essays, and content for any type of company.

Other Skills

Marketing » Copywriting

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Throughout my junior high school and senior high school years, I worked as a copywriter. I've participated in multiple local and regional competitions where I usually place 2nd or 3rd place consistently.

Human Resources » Onboarding

Experience: Less than 6 months

I've witnessed my former employer working as an onboarding specialist and I’ve grasped some basic concepts as to how to do the job. I’m willing to learn more about being an onboarding specialist for a company. Rest assured that I will be working hard to absorb and apply my learnings.

Basic Information

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Iligan City, Lanao del Norte
Tests Taken
Score:  131
Dominance: 29%
Influence: 16%
Steadiness: 34%
Compliance: 22%
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