
Social Media Manager / Canva Wizard / Carousels & Reels

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 28th, 2024 (yesterday)

Member Since

June 10th, 2024

Profile Description

Is it fate or just chance that you’re here on Your search through freelancer profiles may have been hit or miss—until now. Why settle when you can work with someone like me? I specialize in content creation, audience growth, and strategic branding. My skills include engaging content creation, editing, copywriting, graphic design, and video editing. I also offer comprehensive virtual assistance, efficient internet research, expert social media management, and organized file handling, all with confidentiality and timely delivery. Still think it’s just random? Let me know.

Top Skills

Marketing » Content Creation » Social Media Content Creation

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I specialize in creating social media content that blends creativity and strategy to produce engaging, impactful posts. With a deep understanding of different platforms and their audiences, I design visually appealing and compelling content to boost your brand's online presence. From striking graphics to captivating captions, I deliver a cohesive and strategic approach to social media storytelling. Check out my portfolio to see how I elevate brands with effective and dynamic social media content.

Video Editing » Social Media Video Editing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I specialize in video editing, bringing meticulous attention to detail and a creative flair to every project. I excel in precise cutting, smooth transitions, color correction, and audio synchronization. Whether it’s promotional videos, social media content, or any other type of video, I transform raw footage into compelling stories with polished, professional editing. Explore my portfolio to witness the impact and creativity I bring to every piece.

Design » Graphic Design » Canva

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I am an expert in graphic design, specializing in creating captivating visuals with Canva. With a keen eye for design elements and a deep understanding of Canva's versatile tools, I craft visually stunning and impactful graphics. From social media posts and presentations to marketing materials, I leverage Canva to infuse creativity and professionalism into every project. Explore my portfolio to see how I transform ideas into visually compelling designs using Canva.

Other Skills

Marketing » Content Creation

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I excel in content creation, delivering impactful and engaging material tailored to your brand's unique needs. Whether it's crafting compelling written pieces, designing eye-catching visuals, or producing multimedia content, I bring both creativity and strategy to every project. With a deep understanding of your target audience, I ensure the content resonates and drives meaningful engagement. Let's collaborate to bring your ideas to life and enhance your brand through effective and memorable content.

Marketing » Content Creation » Infographics

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I specialize in graphic design with a focus on creating visually compelling infographics. Proficient in using design software, I excel at translating complex information into clear and engaging visual narratives. My designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicate information, making data more accessible and impactful. Check out my portfolio to see how I bring information to life through innovative and visually appealing infographic design.

Marketing » Social Media Management

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I specialize in social media management, offering comprehensive services to enhance your online presence. With a strategic approach, I handle content creation, scheduling, community engagement, and analytics across various platforms. My goal is to build and strengthen your brand's digital footprint, fostering meaningful connections with your audience. From content planning to performance analysis, I ensure a cohesive and effective social media strategy. Let's collaborate to elevate your brand's presence in the digital landscape.

Design » Thumbnail & Social Media Design

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I specialize in thumbnail and social media design, harnessing my creativity to create visually stunning and attention-grabbing graphics. Whether it's crafting compelling thumbnails for videos or designing engaging social media posts, I apply a strategic and aesthetic approach to boost your online presence. With proficiency in graphic design tools, I ensure that each design not only captivates but also seamlessly aligns with your brand identity. Take a look at my portfolio to see how I enhance visual elements for optimal impact across thumbnails and social media platforms.

Basic Information

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santo tomas, davao del norte
Tests Taken
Score:  114
Dominance: 32
Influence: 7
Steadiness: 34
Compliance: 27
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“I had this VA that I could turn things over to made it a lot easier”

Kyle Mckenna


“I'm working with a very very talented person.”

- Austin L. Church "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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