
General Virtual Assistant, E-commerce VA, eBay Lister

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 20th, 2024 (8 days ago)

Member Since

May 7th, 2024

Profile Description

Aspiring Virtual Assistant eager to contribute strong organizational and communication skills to provide remote administrative support. Quick learner with a proactive approach to tasks such as email correspondence, data entry, and basic research. Dedicated to delivering reliable assistance and open to expanding skills in various virtual tasks. Detail-oriented and committed to delivering high-quality work. Excited to embark on a virtual assistant career and grow with the right opportunity.

Top Skills

Customer Support » Ecommerce » Ebay

Experience: Less than 6 months

Over the past six months, my experience with eBay posting has been both educational and rewarding. Initially apprehensive, I quickly adapted, mastering the art of crafting compelling product descriptions and optimizing listings for maximum visibility. Learning pricing strategies and leveraging promotional tools has been key in driving sales. Communication with customers has honed my skills in providing excellent service, fostering trust, and maintaining a positive reputation. Overall, this journey has been one of growth and learning, equipping me with valuable skills for success in the competitive world of online selling.

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Experience: 1 - 2 years

One-year experienced encoder with proficiency in accurate data entry, attention to detail, and efficient collaboration. Ready to contribute to data-driven success.

Office and Administration » Attention to Detail

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Detail-oriented virtual assistant with a keen eye for accuracy. Consistently ensures precision in data entry, task execution, and overall administrative support. Committed to delivering high-quality work with meticulous attention to detail.

Other Skills

Office and Administration » Google Sheets

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I'm proficient in Google Sheets, adept at organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data. I utilize functions, formulas, and formatting tools to manipulate data effectively, and I excel in collaborating with others in real-time.

Office and Administration » Adaptability

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Highly adaptable virtual assistant, skilled at quickly adjusting to changing tasks and priorities for efficient and effective support.

Basic Information

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Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija
Tests Taken
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“Some...have been around for about 2 years with us now!”

Spencer Carlson


“This will change your business!”

- Atiba "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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