
Digital marketing

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $7.00/hour ($1,232.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

July 4th, 2024 (4 days ago)

Member Since

November 8th, 2023

Profile Description

Skills, Strengths, and Areas for Improvement:

My skills include proficient admin support, web page development, SEO management, product sourcing, order fulfillment, running ads, bookkeeping, and handling customers. I excel in using tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Office. However, I recognize the ever-evolving nature of digital marketing and am committed to continuous learning to stay abreast of industry trends.

Work Tools:

I am proficient in utilizing a range of tools, including Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Office, ensuring optimal social media campaign management and efficient administrative support.


Work-Related Experiences and Three 

Reasons to Hire Me:

In my most recent role as a Social Media Manager for VEE, RN. and NextGenNurse, I orchestrated a 50% increase in social media following, resulting in a substantial uptick in website traffic and user engagement. My strategic implementation of advertising campaigns led to increased conversions and a decrease in cost per acquisition. Three compelling reasons to consider me for this role are my demonstrated ability to drive tangible results, proven expertise in social media management, and a client-focused approach that ensures high satisfaction rates.

Last Job and Reason for Resigning:

In my previous role, I was a Social Media Manager at VEE, RN. and NextGenNurse. I resigned to explore new opportunities that align more closely with my passion for eCommerce and virtual assistance.

Plans for the First 30 Days:

In the first 30 days, I aim to conduct thorough market research to identify key trends and opportunities. I will provide comprehensive product recommendations, optimize the website for enhanced user experience, and develop targeted marketing strategies. Simultaneously, I will focus on streamlining customer service pro cesses and providing insightful analytics to drive data-driven decisions.

Proudest Achievement

:One of my proudest achievements was spearheading a comprehensive social media strategy for VEE, RN., resulting in a 75% increase in brand awareness and a 60% boost in lead generation within the first year. This accomplishment showcases my ability to develop and execute impactful strategies that directly contribute to business growth.

Top Skills

Video Editing » Social Media Video Editing

Experience: Less than 6 months

Video editing is my canvas, and I craft narratives that captivate and engage your audience with the utmost professionalism, leveraging top-rated software. Possessing a discerning eye for detail and an expert command of industry-leading editing tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro, I meticulously transform raw footage into cinematic experiences.

Office and Administration » Computer Literacy

Experience: Less than 6 months

Bringing businesses to life online through my expertise in SEO strategies and digital marketing is my forte. I'm dedicated to meticulously maximizing their online presence, weaving a compelling digital narrative that not only captures attention but also solidifies your brand's position as a leader in the digital landscape.

Other Skills

E-Commerce » Product Research

Experience: Less than 6 months

My insatiable curiosity and thorough research skills are the dynamic duo that drives me to uncover the most valuable insights for your business. I don't merely skim the surface; I delve deep, leaving no stone unturned to provide you with a treasure trove of information that forms the foundation for data-driven decision-making

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: Less than 6 months

Armed with design tools like Canva and Adobe Creative Suite, I expertly craft captivating visual content that serves as a compelling magnet for your target audience.

Marketing » Social Media Management

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

Transforming online spaces into dynamic hubs, I curate and schedule posts while fostering engaging interactions with our followers.

Basic Information

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Cebu, Cebu
Tests Taken
Score:  115
Dominance: 38
Influence: 7
Steadiness: 27
Compliance: 29
Uploaded ID
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“My Filipino specialist who is absolutely amazing..go get your OFS today!”

Eden Einav


“They're not only loyal and hardworking, they're super detail oriented!”

- Travis OVAAnswers "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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