
Amazon FBA VA, Sourcing Specialist PL, Customer Manager

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $11.60/hour ($2,041.60/month)

Associates degree

Last Active

June 27th, 2024 (3 days ago)

Member Since

March 17th, 2023

Profile Description

Amazon Seller VA| Product and Supplier Sourcing Private Label I Logistics |  Customer Service Representative| Graphics ArtistWith almost a year of experience at Amazon as an experienced Amazon virtual assistant, I can empower your e-commerce platform or business model to thrive. I can help you achieve your business goals and stay ahead of the competition by providing these services:• Product Researcher/Sourcing: Private Label• Supplier Sourcing: Alibaba• Inventory Management• Customer Service Representative: Freshdesk, e-desk, Magento, Amazon Seller Central• Graphic Artist: Adobe Photoshop and Canva With a 9-year diverse background in store management, graphic design, market planning, customer service, and sales implementation, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team. I have a proven track record of training personnel and would be thrilled to bring my experience to your organization. I have a reputation for being well organized, paying attention to detail, and having the ability to multitask. I am also well-versed in team management and leadership, problem-solving and decision-making, customer service, and relationship building. I am also eager to learn and open to new learning. I am a productive team player, thanks to my excellent interpersonal communication skills. I am genuinely excited to demonstrate how I can be a valuable asset, driving positive growth for your company. Working with me, you'll experience a partnership that inspires and propels your business forward. Be stress-free; contact me now!WhatsApp:  Upgrade to see actual info4Skype ID: Upgrade to see actual infoUpgrade to see actual info4EmailUpgrade to see actual info     ginalynsadang                                         

Top Skills

E-Commerce » Product Research

Experience: Less than 6 months

E-Commerce » Product Sourcing

Experience: Less than 6 months

Customer Support

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Other Skills

Advertising » Facebook Ads

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

E-Commerce » Logistics Management

Experience: Less than 6 months

Design » Adobe » Photoshop

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Basic Information

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Marikina, NCR
Tests Taken
Score:  106
Dominance: 56
Influence: 8
Steadiness: 15
Compliance: 21
Uploaded ID
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