
Lead Generation and Data Entry Specialist

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $4.00/hour ($704.00/month)

College Graduate

Last Active

September 17th, 2024 (2 days ago)

Member Since

January 22nd, 2023

Profile Description

-Communication skills- fluent orally and verbally 
-Typing skills- 40WPM
-Comprehension skill
- Critical and problem- solving skills
-Technical skills- Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Canva, Lead Generation 
- Proofreading 
- fast learner - very much willing to be trained

Top Skills

Office and Administration » Microsoft Power Point

Experience: 10+ years

As a teacher, I found myself embarking on a creative adventure with Microsoft PowerPoint. It all began when I was tasked with creating a presentation for our Monthly Faculty Meeting. Little did I know that this seemingly mundane task would lead me to discover the hidden gems and endless possibilities within PowerPoint. The first challenge was to choose a theme that would capture the essence of my presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint, with its array of pre-designed themes and templates, made this process surprisingly enjoyable. After exploring various options, I settled on a sleek and modern theme that reflected the professionalism I aimed to convey. As I moved on to the content, PowerPoint's intuitive interface made organizing my thoughts a breeze. The drag-and-drop functionality allowed me to arrange my ideas effortlessly, creating a coherent flow throughout the presentation. Bullet points, images, and charts seamlessly found their places, turning a jumble of concepts into a visually appealing narrative. Each slide came to life with captivating entrance and exit effects, adding a touch of dynamism to the overall presentation. The once-daunting prospect of creating a presentation transformed into an enjoyable process, leaving me with newfound respect for the versatile capabilities of this software. PowerPoint became my artistic canvas, allowing me to weave a narrative that captivated my audience and left a lasting impression.

Office and Administration » Microsoft Word

Experience: 10+ years

As a teacher navigating the academic landscape, Microsoft Word became an indispensable companion in my journey of learning and creativity. The blank canvas of a new document always held the promise of possibilities, whether it was an oral test question, an exam, or a simple quiz. One particular experience stands out, showcasing the power and versatility of this ubiquitous word processing software. The real magic happened when I delved into the formatting options. Microsoft Word's formatting tools transformed my document from a plain text into a polished masterpiece. I experimented with fonts, sizes, and styles, ensuring that each heading and paragraph carried its own visual weight. The color palette became my artistic palette, allowing me to highlight key points and create a visually appealing document. The auto-save feature, a silent guardian in the background, prevented any potential loss of progress. Its unobtrusive nature provided a sense of security, ensuring that my hard work wouldn't vanish into the digital abyss in case of an unexpected glitch. The review and editing phase brought another layer of functionality. Microsoft Word's spell check and grammar suggestions acted as meticulous proofreaders, catching errors and offering alternatives. In the end, as I hit the

Office and Administration » Google Docs

Experience: 10+ years

I remember when I was still a teacher, we needed to prepare a comprehensive English lesson plan for Grade10, and our deadline was fast approaching. Faced with the challenge of coordinating our efforts, we decided to use Google Docs for our collaboration. We all logged into our Google accounts and created a new document. The blank canvas in front of us seemed both daunting and promising. We started typing our ideas and outlining the structure of our lesson plan. It felt like we were all sitting around the same table, even though we were miles apart. The collaborative nature of Google Docs eliminated the need for endless back-and-forth emails or messaging apps. Accidentally deleted a crucial section? No problem – we could simply roll back to a previous version and retrieve the lost content. This feature not only saved us from potential disasters but also allowed us to witness the evolution of our document over time. Looking back, that rainy Saturday became a memorable experience, not just for the lesson plan’s outcome but for the way Google Docs turned a potentially stressful situation into a seamless and enjoyable collaborative process. It taught us the value of technology in fostering teamwork and creativity, leaving us with a newfound appreciation for the simplicity and effectiveness of tools like Google Docs.

Office and Administration » Google Sheets

Experience: 10+ years

The story began with a simple task – creating a budget of our club, English Club for the upcoming English Month. Armed with the trusty web browser, I entered the realm of Google Sheets, a kingdom of cells and formulas. As I navigated through the blank canvas, I was greeted by the vast expanse of rows and columns, awaiting my commands. With the power of real-time editing, my fellow teachers and I could simultaneously weave our financial tapestry. As my budget spreadsheet evolved, so did my fascination with the mystical formulas that governed the cells. I summoned the power to perform complex calculations effortlessly. The once-daunting world of numbers became a playground, and Google Sheets, my trusty ally. In the end, my adventure through Google Sheets was not merely a tale of spreadsheets and cells. It was a journey of empowerment, efficiency, and collaboration. The once-intimidating landscape of data manipulation had become a familiar terrain, and I emerged from the experience not only victorious but also equipped with newfound knowledge and skills.

Design » Graphic Design » Canva

Experience: Less than 6 months

As someone always on the lookout for ways to enhance my digital design skills, I decided to embark on a journey into the world of Canva, a popular graphic design platform. With its user-friendly interface and a myriad of creative tools, Canva seemed like the perfect choice to elevate my design game. Excitement bubbled within me as I signed up for Canva and explored its dashboard. The introductory tutorial guided me through the basics, from creating a new design to selecting templates for various projects. The time had come to put theory into practice. Armed with newfound knowledge, I embarked on my first project: designing my own Resume. I found myself seamlessly integrating photos, illustrations, and text, transforming my ideas into polished designs. Canva had become my go-to tool, not just for its ease of use but for the limitless possibilities it offered. From social media graphics to presentations and branding materials, I was now equipped to bring my creative visions to life. In the end, my experience with Canva was not just a training session; it was an adventure that empowered me to express my creativity in ways I never thought possible. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, Canva's intuitive design platform opens doors to a world where imagination knows no bounds.

Other Skills

Marketing » CRM

Experience: Less than 6 months

The adventure began with a comprehensive training about CRM. The initial sessions covered the fundamentals, explaining the importance of customer data, relationship management, and the role of technology in streamlining these processes. The trainers were seasoned experts who navigated us through the seas of customer interactions, emphasizing the significance of personalized and meaningful connections. Guided by our instructors, we began to unravel the layers, learning how to input and organize customer data effectively. As the training progressed, we explored advanced features like automation, workflows, and analytics. Witnessing how these tools could streamline repetitive tasks, enhance efficiency, and provide insightful analytics was awe-inspiring. The final phase of the training involved real-world scenarios, where we applied our knowledge in a simulated business environment. This hands-on experience allowed us to witness the tangible impact of CRM on customer satisfaction, retention, and overall business performance. It was a rewarding moment to see the positive outcomes of our efforts, knowing that we were contributing to building stronger and more enduring customer relationships.

Marketing » CRM » HubSpot CRM

Experience: Less than 6 months

As a newbie, embarking on the journey of training in Hotspot CRM was a pivotal moment in my professional development. Hotspot CRM, renowned for its cutting-edge customer relationship management solutions, promised to revolutionize the way we handled client interactions and streamlined our business processes. The prospect of mastering these tools fueled my excitement, and I couldn't wait to use them with my future clients. The training kicked off with an immersive introduction to Hotspot CRM's interface and features. Hands-on exercises allowed us to navigate through the platform, creating a sense of familiarity with its various functions. One of the highlights of the training was the emphasis on collaborative learning. The trainers encouraged active participation, fostering a sense of camaraderie among the trainees. The true test of our training came when we applied Hotspot CRM to our daily operations. With newfound efficiency, our team experienced a significant reduction in manual tasks, allowing us to focus more on strategic initiatives and client relationships. Training in Hotspot CRM was not just a skill acquisition process; it was a transformative experience that reshaped the way we approached customer relationship management.

Marketing » Content Creation » Proofreading

Experience: 10+ years

My task at hand was to proofread the latest edition of the school paper, a mosaic of articles, interviews, and student achievements. Armed with a red pen and a keen eye for detail, I embarked on a journey to refine the collective voice of the student body. The front page greeted me with bold headlines and attention-grabbing images. As I skimmed through the articles, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility to ensure that each student's voice resonated clearly. Typos, grammatical missteps, and inconsistencies were the foes I sought to conquer. The first article, penned by an enthusiastic junior, was brimming with energy but required a careful touch. Commas and apostrophes became my allies in the quest for grammatical harmony. The young writer's passion was infectious, and my role was to complement it with the finesse of proper punctuation. As I handed over the proofread paper to the editor, there was a shared understanding that every red mark represented a commitment to excellence. Proofreading, in the context of a school paper, wasn't just about correcting mistakes; it was about nurturing the growth of young writers, empowering them to communicate with clarity and confidence.

Real Estate » Lead Generation

Experience: Less than 6 months

As a newbie eager to sharpen my skills, I embarked on a lead generation training journey that proved to be both challenging and rewarding. The intensive workshop promised to unravel the intricacies of lead generation, equipping participants with the tools and strategies needed to excel in the fast-paced world of digital marketing. The training kicked off with an overview of the lead generation landscape, emphasizing the importance of understanding target audiences and crafting compelling messages. The facilitator, a seasoned expert in the field, guided us through the fundamentals of creating buyer personas and mapping customer journeys. Practical exercises challenged us to identify pain points and tailor our approaches to resonate with potential leads. We explored various tools and platforms designed to streamline the process, from customer relationship management (CRM) systems to advanced analytics tools. Hands-on exercises allowed us to experiment with these tools, enabling us to appreciate their impact on efficiency and effectiveness. We learned how to nurture leads through strategic content marketing and email campaigns. The facilitator emphasized the importance of personalized and targeted content, teaching us how to craft messages that resonate with different segments of our audience. By the end of the training, I had not only gained a comprehensive understanding of lead generation but also developed a newfound confidence in my ability to apply these concepts in my professional role. The workshop provided a holistic perspective, blending theory with hands-on experience, and left me with a toolkit of strategies to boost lead generation efforts in my organization. The training had not only broadened my skill set but had also ignited a passion for the dynamic and ever-evolving world of lead generation.

Office and Administration » Google Slides

Experience: 10+ years

The odyssey began when tasked with delivering a presentation for English 10 lesson plan that would not only inform but also captivate the audience. Armed with the power of a web browser, I navigated to the gateway of Google Slides. The first constellation I encountered was the template gallery, a dazzling array of pre-designed slides that sparked inspiration. Colors, fonts, and layouts danced like stars in the night sky, allowing me to tailor each slide to my thematic vision. I discovered the magic of collaboration within Google Slides. The collaborative essence of the platform enabled seamless teamwork, as my fellow teachers joined the expedition to contribute their expertise. Simultaneous editing and real-time comments transformed the presentation into a collaborative masterpiece, a symphony of ideas harmonizing across the digital expanse. With a click of a button, I could share my presentation with the universe, whether my audience was across the room or on the other side of the planet, the digital magic of Google Slides brought us together in a shared cosmic experience. The universe of slides had transformed my information into a celestial spectacle, and I carried the lessons learned from this cosmic journey into future presentations, forever bound to the luminous legacy of Google Slides.

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Experience: Less than 6 months

The initial phase of the training involved understanding the fundamental concepts of data entry, the importance of accuracy, and the role of data in various industries. We delved into different data entry techniques, including manual entry and using specialized software. The trainer provided us with practical tips, such as keyboard shortcuts and efficient ways to organize data. As we progressed through the training, we set sail into the vast sea of data. The challenges varied from deciphering handwritten documents to inputting complex numerical data accurately. The trainer emphasized the significance of attention to detail and the impact of data accuracy on business operations. The training wasn't all theory; we engaged in hands-on exercises that simulated real-world scenarios. We practiced entering data from different sources, ensuring that we were equipped to handle the diverse challenges that might arise in our future roles. The practical exercises were both challenging and rewarding, enhancing our skills and boosting our confidence. As the training program concluded, I realized how much I had learned and grown in a relatively short period. Data entry, once a mysterious sea of information, had become a navigable terrain. The experience not only equipped me with practical skills but also instilled in me a sense of confidence and a readiness to face the challenges that lay ahead in my data entry career. The journey had been transformative, and I was now ready to set sail into the professional waters of data entry, armed with knowledge and a sense of adventure.

Office and Administration » AI Tools » ChatGPT

Experience: Less than 6 months

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, my encounter with ChatGPT has been nothing short of fascinating. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a language model that allows users to engage in natural and dynamic conversations with a machine. The first time I interacted with ChatGPT, my curiosity was piqued by the idea of conversing with a machine capable of understanding and generating human-like text. As I typed in my initial queries, I was impressed by the model's ability to comprehend context, provide coherent responses, and even inject a hint of humor into the conversation. One of the standout features of ChatGPT is its versatility in handling a wide array of topics. Whether I wanted to discuss science, philosophy, or engage in casual banter, the model demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to the subject matter. It felt as though I was conversing with a knowledgeable friend, always ready to explore new ideas and share insights.

Basic Information

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Tests Taken
Dominance: 46
Influence: 37
Steadiness: 5
Compliance: 12
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