F/T admin assistant for kicka$$ online business

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Full Time


$900-$1200/mo USD




Jul 3, 2024


We are looking for a full-time super kicka$$ admin assistant.

We are currently a 4 person team growing quickly and need a 5th person to help take some work off our plates!


At Successful Fashion Designer, we help fashion designers ditch their toxic corporate jobs and teach them how to freelance in the fashion industry. Our goal is to help them escape burnout and find freedom, flexibility, and discover unlimited earning potential in their careers through our flagship program Freelance Accelerator: from Surviving to Thriving (FAST), our blog, Youtube Channel, and Podcast - Fashion Designers Get Paid.

Learn more about the business at Upgrade to see actual info.



HARDWORKING AND RELIABLE: If you say you will do something, you do it. You don't miss details and often deliver before a deadline.

When you are asked to do a task, we can consider it done. (This is of the utmost importance. If we have the mental anxiety of "is this actually getting done on time?!", our partnership will not work. If you need someone to constantly follow up and make sure things are done, this won't work, so let's not waste each other's time!)

DRIVEN TO DO AN EXCEPTIONAL JOB (not just collect a paycheck): You are a team player and genuinely care about the end result. You don't do a task just to cross it off the list, but do the best job you can because you have a vision for the bigger picture.

ORGANIZED, MULTI-TASKER AND SELF DIRECTED: You can manage many things at once and keep it all straight. You don't do just what you’re told, but you see room for improvement and act on it. You take initiative and if you have an idea, you're not afraid to share it.

If we're talking about an upcoming meeting? You put it on the calendar before you’re asked.

If we introduce a new system or process to you? You create an SOP to make sure it's tracked without being told. (Yes, we can teach you HOW to do some of these things, but it's more about your personality to take initiative!)

TECH SAVVY: You can operate the basics like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. If you don't know how to do something, you can usually figure it out or at least do a good Google search / digging into help docs before asking me.

CUSTOMER SERVICE PRO: Our customers are the most important asset we have, and you want to take care of them! The customer isn’t always right, but you know how to tell them if they’re wrong and leave them feeling good about it.

BASIC WRITING SKILLS: You know the difference between then / than, its / it's, their / there, to / too and can use them appropriately in a sentence.

ADDED BONUS SKILLS: Slack, Wordpress, basic HTML, SEO, Pinterest. If you don't have these, that's fine - we are happy to do some basic training as long as you can get up to speed fast on tech and are EXCITED to learn!



We're fun, hardworking and love teaching. We'll make sure we have a blast together while also kicking major butt and growing SFD.

This business is doing great things and growing ?! We need someone like you to help with the day to day! There are a lot of moving parts.

Plus, we're supporting an industry (fashion) where people are notoriously cutthroat and a$$holes. We approach things the opposite--giving away most of our content, providing honest, non-sugarcoated advice, and helping people achieve their dream careers. It is rewarding!

You'll get a glimpse into running a successful (and honest) online business. If you care to hear more about what people say and think, check out our unfiltered podcast reviews on iTunes.

We love self development and learning, so you should be into that too. If you find a course, book or workshop that will help you do your job better? We are happy to invest in ongoing education for you.

We believe in taking care of people who do a good job. We are not here to squeeze labor out of the cheapest person, but instead pay a fair amount in exchange for a job well done.

HERE’S WHAT ONE OF OUR TEAUpgrade to see actual infoMBERS, TARA, HAD TO SAY:
“This has been, hands down, the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. I’ve had so much opportunity to learn and grow, and I’ve never been bored! We have HIGH standards and I always feel empowered to meet them. I have all the support I need to learn from my mistakes. Even better, you always acknowledge my hard work and celebrate my successes. I can’t overstate how life changing it is to be told you’re doing a good job on the regular! I love being part of this team--we’re kicking a$$ and having FUN doing it!”



There are a lot of moving pieces for this position, and we don’t expect you to be able to do it all perfectly from day 1. In fact, we won’t even ask you to do it all starting on day 1.

Instead, you’ll first be tasked with a few tasks or projects while you get familiar with our business and how it works. Once you’ve got those tasks mastered, we’ll add more into the mix!

Use existing SOPs to execute administrative tasks to support the functioning of the program delivery and community, including but not limited to:
-Manage new student access to program materials and community.
-Manage event calendar for online community events
-Upload monthly call replays
-Provide technical and administrative support to students
-Manage onboarding and offboarding duties related to the program
-Moderate community group and record any positive satisfaction, testimonials, or potential case studies
-Manage and update student success database

Assist in scheduling Blog Posts and Maintaining our Wordpress site
-Using SOPs to publish posts to our site with proper formatting
-Ensure that articles are SEO optimized and provide suggestions for improved practices
-Assist with site upkeep such as finding broken links and updating broken images
-Keeping our blog post database up to date

Manage Podcast Scheduling and Publishing
-Coordinate and schedule podcast guests
-Uploading podcast episodes to all required platforms
-Writing and/or Proofing the show notes

Help Grow the Business by finding new and better ways to support our team and clients in reaching their goals:
-Execute tasks related to one-time projects as they arise
-Bring ideas and participate in projects intended to streamline and improve client experience for all programs and clients
-Proactively support the improvement of SFD processes, tools, and curriculum to keep up to date with industry trends and best practices.
-Take advantage of professional development opportunities and apply a growth mindset to your daily work.

Ideal Qualifications:

Here’s the deal, according to research women are 16% less likely than men to apply for a job after viewing it and evidence suggests that many will only apply for jobs they feel 100% qualified for. SO! Break that ceiling.

******We encourage you to apply if you think you can do the job, even if you don’t exactly meet all of these qualifications.

2-3 years of experience working in the online space working with software tools like Asana, UnBounce, Active Campaign, WordPress, Zapier, DeadlineFunnel, SamCart, etc., and the ability to figure out software quickly.
Experience executing on systems that are repeatable and scalable with demonstrable efficiency.
The attention to detail that leads you to see this message and insert the secret word Houndstooth in the job application.
The ability to provide support during business hours, Monday-Friday, in Eastern Standard Time.


YOUR COMMITMENT: You want to grow with a business and be there well into the future. If you just want part time work to fill a temporary gap, this is not the right match. We will be investing time and energy to get you up to speed, and want to make sure you're in it for the long haul.

YOUR COMPENSATION: $Upgrade to see actual info/month, depending on your experience and skill set, for a full-time commitment. This rate reflects the quality of talent we are looking for. We do not want the cheapest person. We want the BEST person.


Paid time off during the U.S. Holidays;
Paid day off for your birthday;
Two weeks of paid vacation/year with advanced notice;
One week of paid time off during the winter holidays;
Stipend to cover your monthly internet bill;
$25 monthly wellness stipend;
Educational spending towards skill sets you want to develop that would increase your effectiveness in this role.

WORK ARRANGEMENT: You will need to be available during US working hours. We do not have a strict schedule, but are online roughly between 9a - 5p Eastern. We will communicate via Slack and expect timely *acknowledgment* of messages during normal business hours. You can get work done outside these hours, but you are required to be online during these hours.

I'LL REITERATE: We care more about your work ethic and drive plus your innate ability to quickly learn tech skills than you being an absolutely perfect match right away for everything. As long as you're willing to learn and can get up to speed fast, we'll do great together. Please apply even if you don’t feel you meet the ideal qualifications but feel you can learn fast and do a great job!


That was a lot...but if you're still here...you just may be the one!

If you felt like this was too much detail, you're probably not the right person.


Fill out the application here: Upgrade to see actual info


If we like what we see, you’ll do a small paid trial project. If that goes well, we'll have you do an asynchronous interview. Finally, we’ll invite you for the final round of Zoom interviews if we think you have what it takes.

Thank you so much - we look forward to hearing from you!

Heidi, Brittany, Paola, and Stacey

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